Tuesday 19 October 2010


Horizontal/vertical, round/square, random play...



I'm finding more and more lately that I'm moving into photography. I guess it's because I don't have the space to make mess, but there's also so much more detail I want to capture.

Friday 30 April 2010

That's where you'll find me...

up above the treetops. 

Monday 19 April 2010


I've added tape to the inside of my Mini Diana Camera. I expected the tape to distort the image more than it has, but the effects are still great. All are taken in Farnham park.
More to follow...

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Reshoot of Divina Comedia...

So here's the new photos, taken in my loft, of the lamp I made for Remember I'm Going to Mark You, a show last summer. The brief was to Make an eschatological object, or use eschatological words. 
Something I'd always wanted to experiment with was the structure of Dante's Divine Comedy. So here it is... my 3-D model.

Saturday 20 March 2010

Half sleepy ideas...

The other day I came across a treasure trove of old postcards in Oxfam and proceeded to sort through them all for all the landscape images. In a separate charity shop I found a bunch of maps. How exciting!

But what to do with them? ...

This one's my favourite!
And then this morning as I woke up I had the best of ideas to wake up with... more to follow.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Market Estate Project

Last weekend I was a steward at The Market Estate Project75 artists, 66 site-specific projects, 20 vacant flats, and one soon to be demolished 1960’s housing estate. 
Shame I missed out on taking part but here are a few photos from the day.
A flat covered in plastic and inflated with air.
Cabbage factory.

Circles cut from the wallpaper in all the flats on the estate.
Headlines about the estate taken from past newspapers.
Instruments made from scrap metal and the like, accompanied by some speaker feedback, smoke and lasers... all in the middle of a car park. Good day.

New start...

Turn tradition on it's head, mix it up a bit. Old ideas, new angles.
Two thirds.